8 Digital Marketing Tips to Skyrocket Your Sales This Christmas

Digital Marketing Chrismtas Tips

8 Tips to Increase Your Sales This Christmas

Digital marketing has turned into the ultimate strategy for anyone looking to upgrade their business presence and get seen by the right audience. This is the main reason why we have seen a rise in the popularity of digital marketing services in recent times.

With the holidays being around the corner, it would be a good idea to look into your current marketing efforts to see what could be improved. Today, we are going to give you 8 powerful marketing tips that will help skyrocket your sales this Christmas.

1. The time is now

Digital Bond Marketing

Don’t wait for December to arrive in order to start your Christmas marketing. It doesn’t matter what kind of product or service you are offering, the important thing is that you are able to ensure that your business is able to gain maximum exposure during the holidays. The reason behind this is that people are always going to have more money to spend on the holidays, so you can always catch more people interested in what you are selling.

Some business owners feel that their products or services are not optimal for Christmas and they don’t invest in marketing in December. For example, someone who is selling Halloween costumes might think that Christmas will be a slow month, but a large number of people might think this to be a good Christmas gift for people who like costumes.

Make sure that you give more priority and emphasis to your marketing during the holidays regardless of your niche. You are very likely to see great results and the benefits will have positive long-term effects.

2. Unleash the power of Google

Google alone offers two powerful marketing tools in AdWords as well as Google Shopping ads. Both of these services can provide a quick boost on your sales and this is very useful during such a competitive season. There could be entire books written on proper use of AdWords and how to create optimal campaigns for Google Shopping ads, but the important thing to consider is to start implementing them as soon as possible.

There are plenty of tutorials and videos online that show you how to make the most out of each of those services, so I suggest you do some research and you can have a solid foundation on how to set them up for optimal results. If you are going to use paid advertisement, this is the way to go.

3. Incorporate popular social media platforms

Facebook and Instagram have become the most powerful and popular platforms to promote any kind of business for the holidays. This is the reason why we suggest that you start engaging your followers on those two platforms as much as possible. It’s also useful to create great campaign videos that you can post on YouTube and then report and share in other social media platforms for optimal levels of exposure.

Creating holidays themes for your social media platforms is always a great way to increase sales. People are more likely to think you have deals going on if your platforms are themed for the holidays. Also, consider making use of Facebook ads, but only if you have done proper research in regards to your demographics.

If you use other social media platforms, be sure to engage your audience in any location that has active users. Don’t let any followers go to waste. It’s hard work to find followers that interact with your page, so it’s always important to make sure that you can stay in touch.

4. Take advantage of organic results with content marketing

Creating a strong content marketing campaign is always going to be useful. This means that you need to research keywords that are going to be most fitting for your content. The great thing about creating valuable and engaging content is that this can become a great source to find new customers through organic results.

One of the advantages of focusing on the creation of content is that this is going to be useful for long-term results. Anything you post today in order to get more customers for the holidays is also useful for the coming year. This is also going to be extremely powerful if you want to boost your rank in the long term. The more content you have, the more solid your presence is going to be in search engines.

In case you need a reminder, content marketing continues to be king in terms of the optimization it provides. You are always going to see benefits when you publish original content in your platform. Be consistent, make sure that you post quality, and never post anything just for the sake of posting.

5. Get in touch with past customers

It’s always a good idea to stay in touch with people who have already bought your products or services. There is a very good chance that you can get them to purchase again. You have nothing to lose by staying in touch and the worst-case scenario is that you will discard them as possible future buyers.

Remember that the new internet laws require that you ask people for their permission to stay in touch with them. This is going to be extremely important if you want things to go smoothly. You could send them a holiday offer with a message giving them the option to receive future discounts and offers. A great way to use this is using email marketing software like MailChimp.

6. Come up with great gift card options

If there is one thing that people like to give to others during Christmas celebrations, it has to be the good old gift card. This is a great way for people to avoid having to choose gifts for their loved ones. A gift card is always a good gift because people will have more options to choose from and that is very appealing.

Selling your gift cards in your store is always great, but you also need to consider selling them online. Your sales are going to be much higher if you can give people the option to purchase their gift cards and print them at home. The idea is to allow people to have convenient ways to get results.

7. Offer bulk deals and discounts

The holidays are synonymous with discounts and deals, so you need to adapt to that situation if you want to stand a chance against your competitors. Any business that is not offering holiday deals is going to be left behind in sales. You should also consider that a good discount might mean lower sales, but it could also mean loyal customers for the long run and more engagement in general.

The best way for any business to get results during the holidays is to give more for less and to ensure that their customer service is impeccable. Be creative with your ideas and stay one step ahead of your competitors. Your website and your social media pages should promote these deals and discounts as often as possible.

8. Hire an influencer for promotional purposes

If there is a fast and powerful strategy to get a large audience to find you, it has to be the use of online influencers. In case you are now aware of what an influencer is, there are many individuals online that have managed to obtain a large audience after any years of hard work.

They have legitimate followers who interact with them when they post videos, articles or live feeds. These people are known as influencers online, and these influencers could take your business to a whole new level with a single shootout. Many of them have a huge following, so this means you could get your business promoted by a large audience within seconds.

Influencers have different rates that they charge for their promotional work. You could also offer to send the influencer free samples of your products and services. Some of them are willing to give you a quick plug in exchange for the free products. It’s up to you to search for influencers in your niche and negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement.

The level of credibility of an influencer is going to be a huge factor to determine your credibility. Look for an influencer that has a good reputation and working with them could be a huge game changer for your business. There are many success stories that started with an influencer shootout.

Final thoughts

Christmas 2018 Marketing Guide

The need for effective digital marketing strategies is huge. Many business ventures are failing to maintain their competitive edge because they neglect their digital marketing efforts. It’s very important to ensure that your audience is able to find with ease. The holidays are an ideal time to catch shoppers with the intention of acquiring services.

Remember that everything you do for the holidays is also going to carry on to the coming year. Your SEO will see a good boost. You are also going to see long term benefits from your holiday marketing efforts.

We recommend that you get started right now in order to attract those early holiday shoppers!

If you are looking for a Digital Marketing solution for your business you can contact us at Digital Bond Marketing as we are a premier Online Marketing Company in Melbourne that specializes in search engine marketing, CPC and SMM.