Digital Marketing For Solar Companies

Digital Marketing for solar companies

In the field of renewable energy, solar companies are finding themselves in an increasingly competitive landscape. To stand out, they need strategic and efficient digital marketing plans. Thankfully, this article delves into the world of digital marketing for solar companies.

We’ll explore how solar businesses can leverage various digital channels – from social media platforms to search engine optimization techniques – to increase brand visibility, engage potential customers, and ultimately drive growth in this green energy sector and so much more.

So let’s get right into it…

Why Your Solar Company Needs Digital Marketing

Increased Brand Exposure

As more people turn to the internet for information, having a robust digital presence can significantly enhance brand visibility. With strategies such as SEO, SEM and social media marketing, solar companies can stand out and position themselves as leaders in the field.

Customer Engagement

Digital marketing offers a multitude of platforms — from social media to blogs — where solar companies can engage directly with customers whether that be answering their queries or providing quick, valuable information. These interactions help build trust, cultivate relationships, and foster a sense of community around the brand.

Targeted Marketing

With digital marketing, solar companies can target their advertising efforts to specific audiences. This is especially beneficial in an industry like solar, where the target market might be very specific.


Compared to traditional marketing methods, digital marketing can be a more cost-effective way to reach a large audience. This is particularly important for smaller solar companies or those just starting.

Trackable Results

One of the significant benefits of digital marketing is the ability to measure and track results. Solar companies can use these insights to refine their marketing strategies, making them more efficient and effective over time.

Driving Sales

Ultimately, digital marketing can help solar companies increase their customer base and drive sales. By effectively reaching and engaging potential customers, solar companies can convert leads into sales, contributing to their growth and success in the renewable energy sector.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Leverage Social Media Marketing

Posts should be relevant, fresh and informative, determine the social platform that will drive conversions, run targeted marketing campaigns

In the era of digital interconnectivity, a robust social media presence is a necessity for solar companies, offering a platform to showcase their offerings and engage potential buyers. However, it’s not just about having a social media profile; the content of your social media posts can significantly impact your brand image and customer perception.

Solar companies should be aware of industry trends, ensuring their content is always relevant, fresh, and informative. For instance, posts can include the latest advancements in solar technology, the benefits of solar energy, or even energy-saving tips.

As part of your marketing strategies, consider running targeted marketing campaigns on your social media platforms. These could range from promotions and discounts to educational series or customer testimonials. Remember, the goal is to engage your audience, stimulate interest in your products, and ultimately, drive conversions.

While social media provides an expansive, far-reaching avenue for promotion, it’s not necessary for solar companies to establish a presence on every single platform. Rather, the key is to discern which social media platforms are frequented by your targeted audience.

This allows for more focused, effective marketing efforts. For example, if a majority of your prospective customers are active on LinkedIn due to its professional and business-centric nature, then it would be advantageous to concentrate your resources and marketing campaigns on this platform.

By optimising your presence on the right platform, you can not only increase brand awareness but also foster stronger relationships with potential customers, thereby boosting your chances of conversions.

Optimise Your Website

improve the navigation of your site, make sure your website loads quickly, include customer reviews on your website

Optimising your solar company’s website starts with improving navigation. A well-structured layout allows potential customers to effortlessly find the information they’re seeking and understand your offerings.

Next, consider page speed. Website visitors appreciate quick page load times, which also benefit your search engine ranking. Enhancing your website’s speed creates a seamless user experience and can significantly reduce the bounce rate. If you’d like to learn how to increase your website’s page speed we have an article that helps, click here to get started.

Additionally, your website design should be visually appealing yet functional, reflecting your brand’s identity and the innovative nature of the solar industry. Use ample white space, high-quality images of your products and installations, and concise, informative text.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of customer reviews. Positive testimonials can significantly influence potential customers. Displaying these on your website can build trust and reassure visitors of your expertise and the quality of your solar solutions.

Be Strategic With Paid Advertising

paid ads can amplify your online presence, you can use search ads to rank on search results, use social media ads if your audience is on social media

For solar energy companies seeking to amplify their online presence and gain a competitive edge, incorporating paid advertising into their digital marketing strategy is key. In general, PPC platforms enable companies to create ads that are targeted towards potential customers actively searching for solar solutions.

Leveraging search ads or Google Ads (also known as Google AdWords) offers the opportunity to increase visibility on search engine results pages. If you’re ready to dive into creating and publishing your Google Ads, make sure to check out our article here.

On the other hand, the power of social media ads is another paid advertising strategy that cannot be underestimated. With the majority of individuals active on social media platforms, it’s an excellent opportunity to reach a broad audience and engage them with the benefits of solar energy on a more personal level.

To unlock the full potential of these advertising platforms, here are a few tips to consider:

Create Compelling Ad Copy

communicate the unique selling points of your company, go through the benefits of your products, ensure you’re sharing the right message

Your ad copy should effectively communicate the unique selling points of your solar energy company, entice potential customers with benefits, and call them to action. Crafting the right message is as important as choosing the right platform – both are integral to a successful paid advertising strategy.

Define Your Goals

set clear objectives, ensure that your objectives are measurable, sort out the most urgent objectives

Before you start with paid advertisements, it’s crucial to set clear, measurable objectives. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales, having defined goals will guide your strategy and help measure success.

Know Your Audience

understand their preferences, learn their online behaviour, identify their top needs

To craft effective advertisements, understanding your target demographic is key. Conduct thorough research on their preferences, behaviours, and needs to ensure your ads deeply resonate with them. This understanding will enable you to create compelling content that effectively engages and connects with your intended audience.

Choose the Right Platform

each platform caters to different audiences, you can choose more than one platform, some platforms are more expensive than others

Various platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads cater to different audiences. Choose the one that aligns best with your target demographic and business objectives.

Design Engaging Ads

your ads should be visually appealing, your ads should be concise and provide persuasive content, don’t forget to include a call to action

Your ads should be visually appealing, with concise and persuasive content. A compelling call-to-action is also important to engage users and encourage them to take the desired action.

Monitor and Adjust

regularly track the performance of your ads, leverage the data you gather, continuously test and refine your advertisements

Regularly track the performance of your ads. Use the data gathered to tweak and optimise your strategy for the best results. Remember, effective digital advertising requires ongoing testing and refining, so don’t be disheartened if your initial efforts don’t yield immediate results.

Maximise Search Engine Optimization

integrate the right keywords into your website, make sure to create keyword-rich content, seo helps with visibility, traffic and ranking

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy that solar businesses can use to increase both their visibility and website traffic. With SEO, keyword research plays a vital role involving identifying words and phrases potential customers might use when searching for solar solutions.

By integrating these keywords into websites, solar companies can increase their likelihood of appearing on search engine results pages (SERPs) when these terms are searched. This, in turn, attracts more website visitors, who could potentially convert into customers.

Solar businesses may also create keyword-rich content that answers common customer queries, further improving their visibility on search engines. Therefore, by leveraging SEO, solar companies can not only reach a wider audience but also establish themselves as authorities within the solar energy sector.

Local SEO

search for local keywords, make sure your google my business profile is up to date, don’t forget to gather customer reviews

In the realm of digital marketing, solar businesses should not underestimate the power of local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Given the nature of solar installations, potential customers are typically homeowners or businesses within a specific geographical location.

With this, optimising for local search results is crucial. It allows solar companies to connect directly with customers in their service area. By strategically using local keywords, maintaining accurate and consistent Google My Business listings, and garnering positive customer reviews, solar companies can enhance their local search visibility. This can lead to higher web traffic to your solar company website, more qualified leads, and ultimately, increased conversions and sales in the local market.

Get Started With Content Marketing

blog posts can be used to help educate individuals, your content should always be useful, take time to create evergreen content

Content marketing proves to be a powerful means for solar companies seeking to educate residential customers about the environmental and economic benefits of transitioning to a renewable energy source. A well-crafted blog post, for instance, can succinctly convey solar energy’s benefits, debunking common misconceptions and illuminating the tangible impact it can have on energy bills.

Unlike the fleeting nature of direct mail, quality content stays accessible on the web, continuously drawing in interested readers and converting them into potential customers.

Through compelling narratives, it can illustrate how adopting solar power contributes to a sustainable future, subtly nudging consumers towards adopting this renewable energy source. Hence, content marketing is instrumental in amplifying the visibility and credibility of solar companies.

Create Evergreen Content

evergreen content offers lots of value, keep your evergreen content relevant and updated, your content should be rich in target keywords

Evergreen content forms a crucial cornerstone of digital marketing for solar companies. This type of content, with its timeless relevance and enduring value, is a powerful tool in solar companies’ digital marketing arsenal.

Evergreen content about solar panels, for instance, can educate potential customers about the long-term benefits, cost-efficiency, and environmental impact of these renewable energy solutions. By keeping the content relevant and updated, solar companies can ensure that their marketing efforts continue to engage audiences and maintain search engine rankings over time.

Examples of such content could be blog posts titled ‘The Ultimate Guide to Solar Panels’ or ‘Why Solar Energy is the Future’. These informative, keyword-rich articles will not only drive traffic to the company’s website but also establish them as authorities in the field, which enhances credibility among prospective customers. It’s safe to say that the creation of evergreen content should be a key focus in marketing for solar companies.

Optimise for Mobile Devices

user experience impacts your digital standing, websites should adapt to different screen sizes, optimise for readability on mobile

It is undeniable that a significant number of individuals rely on mobile phones to access information and engage in social media. As a result, solar companies must ensure that their digital content is optimised for mobile devices, as user experience on these platforms can greatly influence a company’s digital standing.

Optimising for mobile and tablet devices entails enhancing word choice, sentence structure and readability while retaining the original meaning.

Websites should be responsive, which means they adapt to different screen sizes to provide optimal viewing and navigation. This includes easy-to-read text, an intuitive site layout, and fast load times.

Additionally, any digital marketing collateral, such as email campaigns or digital advertisements, should also be designed with mobile in mind. When solar companies optimise for mobile, they can ensure they reach and engage more potential customers and solar leads.

Use Email Marketing To Foster Loyalty

you get to keep your clientele informed and engaged, email marketing helps foster trust, you can build brand loyalty with email marketing

Email marketing is another key strategy on top of the other digital marketing strategies for solar companies. With the potential to reach your audience directly every now and then, it offers a personal and targeted approach to connect with both existing customers and prospective leads.

By sending regular newsletters or updates about new products, services, or advancements in solar technology or your business, you can keep your clientele informed and engaged. It’s an effective way to build brand loyalty, foster trust, and maintain a consistent line of communication.

Here are a few things to consider when approaching your email marketing strategy:

Segment Your Audience

group your subscribers based on their interests, group your subscribers based on demographics, create targeted content

Grouping your subscribers based on their interests or demographics can lead to creating more effective, targeted content. In the solar industry, this can be especially useful given the diverse range of potential customers – from homeowners looking to save on their electricity bills to large corporations aiming for sustainability goals.

Create Engaging Content

your emails should provide value, consider offering educational email content, send a variety of engaging content

While it’s helpful to keep your subscribers in the loop about your company’s latest products, services, or any industry awards and recognitions to build a stronger brand image, you also want your subscribers to feel connected to your company. You can do this by starting an educational series campaign wherein you share content about solar energy and anything related to it as long as it is useful and informational for your readers.

Additionally, exclusive offers or seasonal discounts solely for your subscribers are excellent content for your email campaigns. They give your subscribers a sense of being valued and can incentivise them to make a purchase or recommend your company to others.

Lastly, you can send invitations to events, webinars or online workshops related to solar energy since these provide additional value to your subscribers. This offers them an opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and interact with experts in the field.

Use a Compelling Subject Line

pique your reader's curiosity, precisely convey your email's content, misleading subject lines lead to higher unsubscribe rates

A well-written subject line is intriguing, piques the reader’s curiosity, and precisely conveys the email’s content. However, while it’s essential to be creative, one must tread carefully to avoid being deceptive. Misleading subject lines may initially increase open rates, but over time, they erode trust and could lead to higher unsubscribe rates.

Equally crucial is brevity — a concise, clear subject line often receives a better response, particularly as many recipients view emails on mobile devices with limited display space.

Maximise Marketing Analytics

gather analytics data from all your marketing efforts, take the time to understand your marketing data, use the data gathered to drive your next move

Maximising marketing analytics has to be one of the top most important aspects of digital marketing for solar companies that should not be overlooked. Understandably, going through analytics data can be overwhelming or sometimes time-consuming. After all, there’s already a lot of work that needs to be put in for the other digital marketing strategies.

However, thoroughly analysing data from your marketing activities provides valuable insights that are essential for crafting effective marketing strategies. In addition to this, the data gathered will also help determine what digital marketing campaigns yield the best results and which digital marketing strategy needs to be replaced or further worked on.


Test Different Solar Marketing Campaigns

Solar businesses differ from one another, one solar business may approach marketing their solar installers via search engine optimization to generate leads whereas another might leverage Google Ads to rank on search engines to market the company’s best-selling solar panel or other solar products of the business.

Companies can get as creative as they want when crafting their approaches, however, when venturing into various solar marketing campaigns, it is necessary to adopt an iterative and experimental mindset since your strategies will usually go through trial and error to see what works best.

For instance, you could run two versions of an email campaign, one emphasising the cost savings associated with solar energy and the other highlighting its environmental benefits. By tracking metrics like click-through rates and conversions, you can gauge which message resonates more with your target audience.

Similarly, you might choose to run simultaneous campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn. By comparing engagement and conversion rates, you can determine which platform is most effective for reaching your audience.

The goal of these tests is not only to find the most effective campaigns but also to understand your audience better and deliver more tailored and impactful marketing messages. It’s a continual process of learning, refining, and evolving to meet the dynamic needs of the solar energy market.

Build Relationships

Fostering strong relationships with current and potential customers allows businesses to gain trust and loyalty, leading to higher customer retention and referral rates.

For example, social media platforms can be utilised to initiate discussions about renewable energy, answer queries, and even showcase customer testimonials. Email marketing, on the other hand, can provide personalised content to engage subscribers and keep them looking forward to more. Through these channels, solar companies can demonstrate their commitment to their customers, not just their products, which in turn boosts their credibility and reputation in the market.


In summary, the key to successful digital marketing in the solar industry hinges on a multifaceted approach. This encompasses utilising a variety of digital platforms, understanding and segmenting your audience, crafting engaging content, and leveraging the power of marketing analytics.

Furthermore, it’s essential to remember the importance of fostering strong relationships with your customers, as this not only promotes loyalty but also propels your brand’s reputation in the solar marketplace.

Remember, innovative marketing campaigns combined with a deep understanding of your customer’s needs and the dynamics of the solar energy market can set your business apart in this rapidly growing industry.


How much does your digital marketing service cost?

The cost of our digital marketing service can vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific needs and goals of your solar company, the scale of the campaign, and the platforms used.

For a detailed quote, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

Do I need to use all channels to generate leads?

No, not necessarily. When it comes to digital marketing for solar companies, the selection of channels depends on your specific objectives, your target audience, and where they are most active. It’s more valuable to focus on a few channels that yield good results rather than spreading resources thinly across many channels.

Do you offer online advertising for solar companies?

Yes, we do. Our online advertising services for solar companies include search engine marketing and social media advertising. These strategies can help increase your brand visibility, generate leads, and convert potential customers into sales.