Instagram Marketing for Melbourne Businesses

Instagram Marketing in Melbourne

Instagram Marketing Tips for Melbourne Businesses

Reading Time: 4 minutes

New to Instagram marketing? Or maybe you’re looking to expand brand awareness on the platform? You’ve come to the right place. 

In this article, we dish out how to market your Melbourne-based business on Instagram like a pro! Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a social media savvy, it’s no secret Instagram is a lucrative platform with over 1 billion people using the app each month. It’s a treasure trove of potential customers, you won’t want to miss out! 

Instagram Advertising

First thing’s first, it’s time to get familiar with Instagram Ads. 

What is it exactly? 

It’s a post or story that businesses pay to promote on their target audience’s feed. This can also include a call-to-action button to drive traffic or conversions. Instagram Ads are an essential part of your marketing, this method is best used for growing brand exposure, driving website traffic, generating new leads, and ultimately, conversions. 

While you might prefer organic Instagram strategies, this can only get you so far when you’re treading through the ever-changing algorithm. So incorporating both organic and paid tactics will reap you better rewards! 

Posting relevant content and engaging with your audience all while reaching out to an even bigger audience that is within your niche with paid ads, this is a recipe for great Instagram marketing success. 

How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost?

There’s no single answer and it’s definitely not a one size fits all. Cost varies from business to business, with different variables such as the mobile device you’re targeting, demographics, ad placement, ad format, and the time of year. 

But to give you an idea, the average cost per click for most ad placements are $1.20. 

The best way to approach this is to decide how much you want to spend per result. Put focus on your key goals and allocate a budget to run ads and campaigns to reach those goals. When a post is performing well organically, put money behind that post as well. The key is to test everything, analyze what works best, and dedicate your ad spend on that. 

Types Of Instagram Ads

Instagram offers different ad formats, each one suitable for your specific needs. We’ve listed down the formats and how each of them can help you attain your desired results: 

1. Story Ads 

These are full-screen ads that pop up when users are viewing stories. It’s attention-grabbing and users can simply swipe up to view your website. It’s a seamless experience! Brands take advantage of this format by adding their own face filters, video effects, and text to create a fun and interactive promotion. 

This format is best for app installs, brand awareness, conversions, lead generation, messages, reach, store traffic, and video views. 

2. Photo Ads 

This format allows brands to showcase their products or services through imagery. Whether your objective is to drive traffic to your website, take them to your Instagram profile, or conversions, compelling images are the way to go! 

If you’re already posting creative and enticing content, this format gives you a bigger platform to reach even more people. 

This format is best for app installs, brand awareness, catalogue sales, conversions, engagement, and lead generation. 

3. Video Ads

This format is amazing for giving your audience a closer look at your business, the videos can be up to a minute long but shorter videos prove to be more effective. Also, always make sure you include your branding in the first few seconds of the video! 

This format is best for app installs, brand awareness, conversions, engagement, lead generation, reach, store traffic, and video views. 

4. Carousel Ads

Ready to take it up a notch? Carousel ads allow users to swipe through images or videos. It also features a call-to-action button to directly take them to your website. This ad works wonders when you want to highlight multiple products or tell a story with multiple parts. 

5. Collection Ads

This is where it gets exciting. This ad format not only showcases your products, but users can actually purchase the product directly from the ad! It’s pretty simple when users click on the ad, they’re immediately taken to an Instagram Instant Experience Storefront.

How To Create Instagram Ads

Got your budget sorted? Already have an ad format in mind? It’s time to get the ball rolling! 

There are two ways to go about this:

First, you can simply head on over to the Instagram app. Make sure you have a business profile, then go to one of your posts with the highest engagements. You’ll see a “Promote” button just below the image. Tap on that button and complete the options to choose your target audience, where to send them, your budget, and how long you want your ad to run. And that’s it! Easy, right? 

The second way may be a long way but this is awesome for making the most out of your ad spend since it gives you more control. And that’s through Facebook Ads Manager! If you haven’t known already, Facebook owns Instagram. So Facebook Ads Manager gives you a well-integrated advertising tool where you can create ads to run on Instagram. Here’s how: 

  1. Choose your ad campaign objective.
  2.  Identify your audience.
  3. Select your ad placements.
  4. Choose your budget and schedule.
  5. Create your ads.

And you’re done! You just made your first Instagram ad.